Where have all the flowers gone? Fources Marché aux Fleurs 2020

Where have all the flowers gone? Long time passing, as Pete Seegar wrote. This coming weekend we should be on the 1st and biggest Flower Market of the Spring market Season. However Covid19 is with us and normal life is cancelled, so sometimes it’s nice to have time off and be forced to stop and smell the flowers. Those who know me well will know I get very stressed in the ruin up to Fources Flower market, it’s a big kick start for the season and is a wonderful weekend. Just to blow our own trumpet we are the...
Making Marble statues during Covid Lockdown.

So President Macron has decreed that May the 11th will be the day that France starts to loosen its movement restrictions, good thing we didn’t try holding our breath while we waited. So we continue making statues!! Many, many statues, in fact so many medium statues that I have a shortage of paper to wrap them in. In fact this is all I have left. Oh heck. Paper and bubble wrap usually mean a trip to Agen and to compensate a nice lunch out, Those were the days my friend, to quote dear Mary Hopkin. Oh I do miss that...
I’m an Artisan get me out of here!

Business as usual during Covid-19 times.

Business as usual? Well not quite as we can’t go out to sell, but we are trying to keep busy. During these strange and confusing times production at Marble Art keeps going and we can continue with online Frankly this is happening in an effort to stop us falling into a coma of boredom or even worse to stop us actually killing each other. Howard has taken time out from making statues to clean the machinery. I know shocking right? He’s serviced the motor on the mixer and is now threatening to clean the oven. He’s also been splitting...
Adventures of a Workshop in Lockdown.

I have the clay, I have the tools and I even have my glasses somewhere don’t I?
Even in lock-down, with what could be considered all the time in the world to get on with work, I can’t quite fit everything into the 7 days that are given out per week.
Does anyone have spare day they don’t need?