Business as usual? Well not quite as we can’t go out to sell, but we are trying to keep busy. During these strange and confusing times production at Marble Art keeps going and we can continue with online sales.
Frankly this is happening in an effort to stop us falling into a coma of boredom or even worse to stop us actually killing each other.
Howard has taken time out from making statues to clean the machinery. I know shocking right? He’s serviced the motor on the mixer and is now threatening to clean the oven. He’s also been splitting wood for the fire in a big way, but that’s not statue work as such. So despite the fact he could probably qualify for the next Olympic wood splitting team when they get one, I won’t tell you any more about that on this blog. I will share a picture though just for fun.
I meanwhile continue in my usual tradition of making more dust, rather than using marble dust to make things, by rubbing things down with sand paper.
Panthers are all done for the moment. Many, many panthers have been done. If I don’t see another pair of panthers for a couple of months I will be glad. They are looking lovely but a girl can get a bit bored with the repetition.
So this morning on this dreary, damp, half raining, half not raining, typical March: promises spring but delivers urk kind of a day. I have skipped happily off to my finishing department, also known as a table and stool in the corner, and loaded myself up a tray of mixed delights. Somehow it’s rather nice to see some Buddhas again and just for fun I popped in a couple of Mother and baby elephants.
Right now as I write this they are rumbling and turning in the polishing machine and I shall see them all again in 24 hours.
Meanwhile we are not too downhearted and will hopefully emerge from this lock-down with enough stock to float the Titanic or failing that Howard’s fishing dinghy.
I haven’t run out of tea yet so things are fine for now. If I start cleaning the shelves you may need to send help.